Dr. Douglas Trask is dual board-certified in Otolaryngology and Sleep Medicine. He has a general practice in otolaryngology seeing common disorders effecting the ear, nose, and throat. He provides individualized evaluation combined with medical and surgical care that is driven by improving overall health and well-being.
Dr. Trask specializes in surgical and other alternatives to CPAP therapy for the treatment of sleep apnea. He has been at the forefront of research bringing state-of-the-art treatments to people with sleep apnea including sedated evaluation of the airway and neurostimulation therapy. His clinical practice focuses on providing treatment options to those with sleep apnea that need a novel approach to their treatment.
Dr. Trask received his medical degree from Dartmouth Medical School, and completed his residency at the University of Michigan Medical Center. He has practiced in both academic and private practice settings, previously on faculty at both the University of Iowa and the Cleveland Clinic. His research background includes earning a PhD at The Ohio State University and a post-doctoral fellowship at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Harvard Medical School.
Dr. Trask has published extensively in both the basic science and clinical literature. He has won numerous awards for his research and he has lectured nationally and internationally about sleep apnea. He is actively involved in developing novel surgical treatments for sleep apnea. Dr. Trask is passionate about delivering individually tailored, patient-centered care for sleep disordered breathing and he is a member of the comprehensive sleep medicine center at UCI.